An ASSR is a test that provides information on the lowest frequency that the brain responds to a sound (typically a series of clicks). This information is collected using electrodes taped to the forehead and behind the ear. An ASSR is a hearing test oriented towards young children because it does not require active participation from the patient.
What is it?
Auditory steady state response is an evaluation typically used for children too young to actively participate in more common auditory hearing tests. During this procedure, brain activity in response to a serious of sounds introduced to the individual is recorded through the use of electrodes. These recordings are then analyzed using computer software to determine the lowest level of frequency an individual has the capability of hearing.
What should I do to prepare?
An individual will have to make an appointment to be assessed. During the examination, it is necessary to remain as still and as quiet as possible. Small children usually nap.
What happens during the process?
The auditory steady-state response is a brain response to external stimuli and can be recorded by electrodes affixed to the forehead and behind the ear. During the procedure, the electrodes are positioned and stimuli of varying frequencies are introduced to the individual via headphones. The response is then analyzed using computer software.
What are the risks and potential complications?
There are no risks or complications associated with this noninvasive evaluation.
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