Bleaching (Teeth Whitening)

Bleaching (Teeth Whitening)


Bleaching is a tooth whitening process where hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide bleaches are used to break stains into smaller pieces. This process disperses color concentration and results in whiter teeth. However, bleaching may not work on teeth discolored by injuries or medications.

What is it?

Bleaching of the teeth is a common technique performed either in a dentist’s office or at home to whiten teeth using peroxide bleaching agents. Depending on where the procedure is performed, and the peroxide concentration of the agent, teeth whiteness and the speed of the procedure can vary.

What should I do to prepare?

If teeth are sensitive, it is recommended to use a desensitizing toothpaste several weeks before bleaching.

What happens during the process?

Dentists use whitening agents of higher peroxide concentration, thus shortening the time of the procedure. The agent is placed on the patient’s teeth, and often heat, and light are used to speed up the process. At home, there are multiple options to bleach teeth. These options include tooth whitening strips and gels, a tray-based bleaching system where a tray similar to a mouth guard is filled with peroxide agents and placed over the teeth for several hours a day, and whitening toothpastes.

What are the risks and potential complications?

There are a few risks and complications associated with teeth bleaching. If a stronger solution with a higher peroxide concentration is placed on the teeth for too long, the tooth may become dehydrated which heightens tooth sensitivity.


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