Management of Testicular Tumors


Testicular tumors are rare in children, but if a child does have tumors they are treatable and sometimes curable.

What is it?

The testicles are an important part of the male reproductive system. They release hormones that trigger changes during puberty in the male body. The testicles help control male sex drive and are home to sperm, the male reproductive cells. Testicular tumors can cause a lot of damage to the reproductive glands and are important to treat before they get serious. Treatments include inguinal exploration, testis sparing surgery, and total orchiectomy.

How to prepare?

Depending on the type of tumor, treatments can vary. It will be important for patients to be able to communicate effectively with their surgeon and understand their treatment plan as best as possible. The surgeon and his medical team will give specific instructions and explain the procedure for treatment of testicular tumors. As a guardian, it is important to let the doctor know if the patient has a history of allergic reaction to anesthesia. It will be important for the surgeon to know the medication list of the patient. Some procedures require diet restriction.

What happens during the process?

When a child has a testicular tumor, usually surgeons will recommend an inguinal exploration. This procedure is performed so surgeons can clearly see the exposed testicle. After making a small cut in the scrotum, the testicle will be guided out. Once the examination is complete the testicle will be guided back to the scrotal sac. For benign tumors a surgery known as testis sparing surgery is performed. For this procedure the surgeons remove tissue from the tumor and send it out for further testing. Total orchiectomy is the removal of a testicle. This procedure is needed when the tumor is very large and there are elevated tumor markers on blood tests. At times, chemotherapy uses medications to kill cancer cells. Radiation therapy using high power energy beams like X-rays to kill off cancer cells and prevent any tumors from reforming.

Risk and complications:

* Bleeding

* Blood clots

* Infection

* Pain.

* Cognitive concern with appearance


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