Colon Capsule


A colon capsule is used as a colon endoscopy. A tiny camera moves through the digestive tract and takes images.

What is it

A colon capsule endoscopy is a non-invasive procedure. A small capsule containing a camera is swallowed and travels through the digestive tract, including the colon, capturing images of the colon and transmitting them to recorders. This procedure can help diagnose colon problems.

How to prepare

Stop eating or drinking 12 hours prior to ingesting the capsule. You may need to stop taking certain medications.

What happens during the process

Before the endoscopy begins, the camera recorder is attached to a belt worn around your waist, and patches will be placed on your abdomen with wires that connect to the recorder. The actual capsule can be swallowed with water. Eating and drinking may be restricted for several hours after swallowing the capsule. The procedure is done when the capsule is expelled, or after 8 hours.

Risks and Complications

There is a low risk of the capsule getting stuck in your digestive tract.


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