Facial implants augment and enhance the features of the face to increase physical appeal.
What is it?
Facial implants use solid materials that are compatible with human tissues to enhance or augment the physical structure of the patient’s face. The surgery can be used to enhance a receding chin, augment the cheekbones, or reshape the jawline.
What should I do to prepare?
Patients should refrain from any blood-thinning medications for at least two weeks before surgery including aspirin, ibuprofen, and vitamin E. It is advised that patients avoid alcohol for at least one week before surgery. Patients should arrange for transportation to and from surgery.
What happens during the process?
The procedure is completed between one and two hours depending on the extent of the procedure. Common procedures include lower jaw, cheek, and chin implants. A surgeon begins by making the incision, placing the implant, and suturing the cut. The only difference between these implant procedures is the location in which the incision is made and what type of implant is used. Lower jaw implant incisions are made inside of the lower lip, cheek implant incisions are made through either the upper lip or lower eyelid, and chin implant incisions are made through the lower lip or under the chin.
What are the risks and potential complications?
These procedures come with a few risks and complications including the risk of the implant shifting, which may require additional surgery and the risk of infection. A patient should contact his or her doctor if a fever develops, if there is unusual pain or swelling, or any abnormal discharge from the incision.
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Image Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ageing_of_the_human_face.jpg