This is a procedure that takes hair from an area of a copious hair and moves it to an area of thin or no hair. There are two major methods to the procedure, one requires removing a strip of skin from the scalp and the other just involves removing individual follicles.
What is it?
This procedure brings back a full or fuller head of hair for someone who may struggling with hair loss.
How you prepare
Patients should stop smoking 24 hours before surgery and stop consuming alcohol at least three days in advance of surgery. Patients should not have a haircut prior to surgery and should massage their scalp for 10-30 minutes the month prior to surgery. Finally, patients should avoid anti-inflammatory and anti-depressant medicine.
What happens during the process?
The procedure occurs in the doctor’s office and starts with the cleaning of the scalp and a local injection to numb the back of the head. Then, the surgeon will use one of two methods, follicular unit strip surgery (FUSS) or follicular unit extraction (FUE). In FUSS, the surgeon removes a 6-10 inch strip of skin from the back of the patient’s head and sews the scalp closed. The skin is made into hundreds of tiny grafts, each with one or a few hairs. In FUE, the back of the scalp is first shaved and hair follicles are removed one by one. After this, the procedures are the exact same, as the surgeon cleans and numbs the area where hair will go and makes tiny holes where each graft will be placed. The procedure takes between 4 and 8 hours.
Risks and complications
There are risks with any procedure like this, including bleeding and infection. There is also the possibility of scarring or unnatural looking hair.
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