Head and Neck Cancer Surgery


Head and neck cancer surgeries are procedures utilized to diagnose or treat cancer in the head or neck. This type of surgery is typically performed in conjunction with radiation or chemotherapy treatments.

What is it?

Head and neck cancer surgery refers to multiple surgical treatments for cancers of the head and neck. These operations may involve removal of structures such as lymph nodes and the larynx.

What should I do to prepare?

Before surgery, the patient should adhere to the eating and drinking restrictions set by the doctor to avoid complications with anesthesia. Additionally, the patient should cease smoking and follow a healthy lifestyle.

What happens during the process?

The details of each procedure within this category will vary, but they may involve the general principles of surgical interventions. There may be anesthesia administered, and the surgeon may need to make incisions or use an endoscopic approach.

What are the risks and potential complications?

These procedures involve risks as with any surgical treatment. They specifically may affect chewing, speaking, and swallowing abilities. There may also be changes in appearance and swelling associated with the surgeries. Numbness is also possible following an operation.


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