Liposuction (Both Thighs)


Thigh liposuction is the removal of excess fat deposits from the inner and outer thighs using a cannula that is inserted through a small incision near the buttock crease. The procedure can add contour and definition to the thighs and buttocks or treat lipomas.

What is it?  

Liposuction allows for the removal of excess fat deposits from the body. In the case of thigh liposuction, excess fat is removed from the inner and outer thighs through a small tube. This procedure allows for better definition in the thigh area. Liposuction is commonly used to treat lipomas. Lipomas are slow-growing, typically noncancerous, fatty masses that develop under the skin.

What should I do to prepare?

Two weeks before surgery, patients should stop taking medications with aspirin or ibuprofen. This can help prevent increased bleeding. Individuals should also arrange transportation on the day of the procedure as well as a companion that can stay with them for up to 24 hours post-surgery.

What happens during the process? 

During the procedure, a cannula (tube) is inserted into the thigh through a small incision. The tube is positioned into fatty layer of the skin. Fat is removed through the cannula using a suction pump creating small tunnels within the fatty layers of the skin. These small tunnels collapse during the healing process and aid in making the thigh look more contoured.

What are the risks and potential complications? 

The risks and complications associated with most surgical interventions apply. These include a reaction to local anesthetics or anesthesia and the potential for excessive bleeding during or after the procedure. There are specific risks and complications associated with a liposuction procedure. Individuals may develop a post-procedural infection, fat clots, or blood clots. More commonly, patients experience irregular or uneven contouring, swelling, scarring, loose skin, pain, and skin discoloration. Although rare it is also possible for nerve damage to occur during this procedure.


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