

What is it?

A megaureter is a ureter that has gotten wider due to infection or obstruction. The megaureter is caused by vesicoureteral reflux, urine flowing back into ureters. Treatment for a megaureter may require surgery. Open surgery is a common treatment for this condition. Endoscopic surgery is also used in some cases to treat megaureter.

How to prepare?

When patients are diagnosed with a megaureter, it is important for the parent or guardian to communicate effectively with the surgeon. Parents and guardians should be ready to talk to the surgeon about any medications the child has been using, family medical history, and a complete record of the patient’s medical history. Patients will be given a physical exam before the procedure.

What happens during the process?

The surgeon and his medical team will discuss the procedure in detail and will give specific instructions before the surgery.

During open surgery for megaureters, the surgeon will make an incision in the lower abdomen of the child. Depending on the child’s gender, the surgeon will access the ureters through the bladder or from outside the bladder. The ureter will then be removed from the bladder. After, the surgeon trims away any excess, oversized megaureter. If there are any blocks in the ureters, they will be removed at this point. Finally, the ureter is placed back into the bladder. A catheter may be needed for the next few days to help the healing process.

When treating a megaureter, it is important to address the cause of the megaureter. During this procedure surgeon, will examine and will fix reflux or obstructions that have formed over time. Cystoscopy can also be used to treat megaureters. A catheter will be inserted into the urethra. Once the catheter reaches the ureter, the surgeon will send in a balloon. The balloon will be inflated in the narrowest portion of the megaureter. A special tube is placed where the balloon was inflated and the balloon is removed.

Risk and complications:

* Bleeding

* Blocked ureter

* Vesicoureteral reflux

* Infection

* Pain in the urethra


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