Meniscal Tear Surgery


Meniscal tear surgery removes a damaged or torn meniscus from the knee joint.

What is it?

Meniscus surgery is a procedure that addresses cartilage damage in the knee joint. The meniscus acts as a cushion in the knee joint and can be torn through sudden twisting, overuse, or trauma. Menisci are a biologically unique feature and may not always be repairable. The focus of meniscus surgery is to alleviate pain and reduce the onset of arthritis.

What should I do to prepare?

Before receiving surgery, the patient should consult with a physician or surgeon to determine if this surgery is the proper course of action. X-rays and other diagnostic imaging techniques are used to develop a treatment plan. Medication plans and fasting routines may be necessary depending on the surgeon’s guidelines. Meniscal tear surgery is typically an outpatient procedure, but the patient should still be prepared to remain at the hospital for post-surgical evaluations. Additionally, the patient should arrange travel accommodations in advance.

What happens during the process?

During meniscal surgery, the surgeon uses an arthroscopic tool to assess the damage. If the meniscus is completely repairable, the surgeon proceeds to performs this operation arthroscopically. However, full meniscus repairs are less common and often require a partial meniscus removal to facilitate recovery. Repair involves suturing the edges of the meniscus and allowing for the natural growth of adjacent tissues and muscles.

What are the risks and potential complications?

Risks that may accompany this surgical procedure include but are not limited to improper anesthesia, infections, nerve damage, excessive bleeding, inability of the wound to heal, decreased joint stability and bone fractures. It is important to keep in mind that complete meniscus recovery is difficult to achieve, and that the patient will likely experience some degree of pain or knee stiffness in the future.


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