Rhinoplasty – Augmentation


An augmentation rhinoplasty is a procedure meant to alter the size of the nose and correct any depressions of the nasal pyramid. This surgery reshapes the nose to make it proportional to the rest of the face. An augmentation rhinoplasty can be necessary to repair the nose in the case of a birth defect or injury.

What is it? 

Rhinoplasty is a nose surgery that allows for the reshaping of the nose. This is commonly done as an elective surgery for aesthetic purposes, but is also performed following trauma or to repair a misshapen nose due to a birth defect. Augmentation rhinoplasty alters the shape of the nose tip and bridge of the nose to make it more proportional to the rest of the face.

What should I do to prepare? 

To prepare for a rhinoplasty, patients should stop taking medicines with aspirin or ibuprofen two weeks before the surgery to help prevent excess bleeding. Patients should arrange for transportation to and from the hospital. The morning of the procedure, patients should avoid applying any cosmetics or lotions to the face.

What happens during the process? 

During the process, a cartilage graft is performed to create more of a nasal tip or bridge. Most commonly, cartilage from the septum, outer ear, or rib is used for the implant. Cuts are made at the bottom of the inner nostrils. These incisions allow for the implantation of the cartilage into the tip of the nose. This process permits the tip of the nose to be lifted, and the shape of the nose is altered.

What are the risks and potential complications? 

The risks and complications associated with most surgical interventions apply. These include a reaction to local anesthetics or anesthesia and the potential for excessive bleeding during or after the procedure. There are specific risks and complications associated with a rhinoplasty augmentation procedure. Individuals may develop an infection following the procedure, which could affect the success of the surgery. In some cases, individuals may experience the nose implant protrude through the skin. This may happen due to the size of the implant used (larger implants are more at risk of this extrusion) or due to an injury to the nose.


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Image Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Rhinoplasty#/media/File:Profile-nez.jpg