Rhinoplasty – Reduction


Reduction rhinoplasty lessens the size of the nose framework to narrow the width of the nose. Making the nose more proportional or balanced to the rest of the face is the primary goal of this procedure. This surgery is often needed to repair the nose due to a birth defect or injury.

What is it? 

Rhinoplasty is a nose surgery that allows for the reshaping of the nose. This is commonly done as an elective surgery for aesthetic purposes, but is also performed following trauma or to repair a misshapen nose due to a birth defect. Reduction rhinoplasty reduces the shape of the nose to produce a nose that is more fitting to the rest of the face. This nose surgery can help address an elongated nasal tip or flared nostrils.

What should I do to prepare?

To prepare for a rhinoplasty, patients should stop taking medicines with aspirin or ibuprofen two weeks before the surgery to help prevent excess bleeding. Patients should arrange for transportation to and from the hospital. The morning of the procedure, patients should avoid applying any cosmetics or lotions to the face.

What happens during the process? 

During the procedure, incisions are made either on the inner nostrils or at the base of the nose (where the nostrils meet the cheek). Through these incisions, the nasal tip, cartilage, and nasal bone structure can be trimmed and reshaped. The incisions are then stitched, and the individual is left to heal. No skin is trimmed or removed during this process, as the skin will shrink to fit the new shape of the nose during the healing process.

What are the risks and potential complication? 

The risks and complications associated with most surgical interventions apply. These include a reaction to local anesthetics or anesthesia and the potential for excessive bleeding during or after the procedure. There are specific risks associated with a reduction rhinoplasty procedure. Commonly, patients experience difficulty breathing through the nose for a short time during the healing process due to swelling. Although rare, this problem could be permanent. It is also possible for the nose to still look misshapen after the swelling is reduced.


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Image Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Rhinoplasty#/media/File:Profile-nez.jpg