Spinal cord injury surgery is a surgical procedure that is performed to fix the spinal cord after it has been damaged from injury or trauma. It aims to provide stability to the spine.
What is it?
Spinal Cord injury surgery is performed to fix the spinal cord after it has been damaged and come unstable from injury or trauma. It aims to stabilize the spinal cord, either immediately after trauma or after waiting to see if other options may work instead. The use of additional hardware, such as plates or screws, are often used in order to stabilize the spine and allow the bone to grow over the damaged areas.
What should I do to prepare?
This surgery may be done in emergency situations, in which case there are no preparations that can be made. If this surgery is not performed in emergency circumstances, you should limit movement in order to keep the spine from damaging further. It is best to consult with your doctor on the best course of the action to prepare for surgery. This surgery often requires the use of general anesthesia, so you should refrain from eating or drinking the night prior to surgery and avoid certain medications.
What happens during the process?
The exact procedure that will be performed depends on the severity of the injury to the spinal cord. Often, an incision will be made, and damaged areas will be removed or realigned. Additional hardware, such as bone grafts, pins, screws, and plates, may then be inserted into the spine to fuse together the vertebrae and stabilize the spine.
What are the risks and potential complications?
This surgery carries potential risks of infection, bleeding, swelling and inflammation, and pain. In severe cases, leaking spinal fluid, spinal cord damage, nerve damage, and paralysis may occur.
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Image Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/37/ACDF_oblique_blank.png/800px-ACDF_oblique_blank.png