Bariatric (Weight Loss) Surgery

Bariatric (Weight Loss) Surgery

Bariatric (Weight Loss) Surgery

What is it?

Bariatric surgery, also known as weight loss surgery, is surgery that is performed to restrict the amount of food the stomach can hold. With the amount of food restricted, the patient treated may begin to experience weight loss. There are two types of bariatric procedures, restrictive procedures, and malabsorptive procedures. Restrictive procedures limit the amount of food the patient’s stomach is capable of holding. Malabsorptive procedures reduce calorie absorption in the intestines. The most common bariatric surgery procedures are gastric bypass, sleeve gastrectomy, adjustable gastric band, and biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch. With each surgery, there are unique advantages and disadvantages.

What are the commonly associated medical diseases and symptoms?

Excessive weight gain and obesity are most commonly associated with bariatric surgery. From the weight gain and obesity associated with bariatric surgery, symptoms and diseases such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, type 2 diabetes, sleep apnea, and joint pain may develop.

What are the commonly associated medical procedures?

Procedures commonly associated with bariatric surgery include Gastric Bypass, Laparoscopic Gastric Bypass, and a Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy. These are in addition to other common bariatric surgery procedures.

Are there any preventative measures I can take?

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is key for taking steps to prevent the need for bariatric surgery. Following a healthy diet and maintaining daily physical activity are key factors to take preventative steps against the need for bariatric surgery.

What are the common misconceptions?

Common misconceptions are that bariatric surgery is just one type of weight loss surgery. Bariatric surgery is a group of different procedures targeting weight loss. The specific procedure performed can vary depending on the needs of the patient.


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What is it?

Dentistry is a specialty devoted to the diagnosis and treatment of abnormalities and conditions of the teeth and mouth tissue. Dentistry is also concerned with the maintenance and upkeep of teeth and mouth tissue as well as the gums and bone tissue.

What are the subspecialties?

The common subspecialties of dentistry may include, but are not limited to prosthodontics and Endodontics. Prosthodontics is a branch of dentistry that is focused on implantations of the teeth and other parts of the mouth. Endodontics is a dental specialty concerned with root canals and saving the interior of the tooth.

What are the commonly associated medical diseases or symptoms?

Medical diseases and symptoms commonly associated with dentistry include but are not limited to tooth pain, gingivitis, Jogren’s Syndrome (dry mouth), tooth cavities, and mouth pain.

What are the commonly associated medical procedures?

Procedures commonly associated with dentistry may include tooth extractions, whitening of the teeth, filling in of cavities, and treatments to the gum and mouth tissue.

Are there any preventative measures I can take?

In order to reduce the need for dental procedures to be performed, it is important to maintain proper oral hygiene. The American Dental Association recommends brushing teeth twice daily with a toothpaste containing fluoride, flossing regularly, and maintaining routine dental check-ups. It is also important to maintain a healthy diet to maintain teeth health.

What are the common misconceptions?

A common misconception is that brushing alone is adequate for maintaining oral hygiene. Brushing alone will clean the surface of teeth, but flossing is also necessary for cleaning in between teeth and gums. A healthy diet is also necessary.


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Interventional Cardiology


Interventional Cardiology is a subspecialty of cardiology focused on treatment of heart conditions through minimally-invasive, catheter-based procedures

What is it? 

Interventional Cardiology is a subspecialty of Cardiology that targets the diagnosis and treatment of heart conditions through catheter-based minimally invasive procedures. It targets the conditions of the heart that can be acute or chronic and is comprised of different minimally invasive procedures and techniques to treat these heart conditions.

What are the commonly associated medical diseases or symptoms?

Commonly associated medical diseases and symptoms can be acute or chronic conditions. Diseases and symptoms can include but are not limited to heart disease, coronary artery disease, unstable angina, obstructed vessels, chest pain, and shortness of breath.

What are the commonly associated medical procedures?

Commonly associated medical procedures for Interventional Cardiology may include, but are not limited to, an angioplasty, central venous line insertion, pacemaker placement, coronary artery stent placement, transcatheter aortic valve implantation/replacement (TAVI/TAVR), and a cardiac catheterization.

Are there any preventative measures I can take?

Keeping a healthy lifestyle, getting plenty of exercise, and eating healthy can help heart health. Keeping routine check-ups with your cardiologist can keep good monitoring of your heart as well.

What are the common misconceptions about this specialty?

A common misconception about Interventional Cardiology is that it is synonymous with all cardiac procedures. This is untrue, because Interventional Cardiology is a subspecialty of Cardiology, and is therefore representative of a subset of cardiac procedures that fall under the Interventional Cardiology criteria.


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Urology is the branch of medicine dealing with the male and female urinary tract along with the male reproductive system.

What is it?

Urology addresses conditions of the male and female urinary tract system and the male reproductive organs. The target body areas for urologists include the kidneys, ureter, urethra, bladder, prostate, and male genital structures, with some urologists even investigating infertility and male sexual dysfunction.

What are the Subspecialties?

The American Urological Association has identified seven subspecialty areas of urology. They include pediatric urology, urologic oncology, renal transplantation, male infertility, calculi, female urology, and neurourology. Neurourology is focused primarily on the nerves and muscles associated with the urological organs.

What are the Commonly Associated Medical Diseases and Symptoms? 

Since the specialty of urology has different focuses for both men and women, there are various commonly associated medical diseases and symptoms. Among the most common urology diseases are benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), urinary incontinence, urinary tract infection (UTI), and kidney and ureteral stones. Benign prostatic hyperplasia is an enlarged prostate. Urinary incontinence is a loss of bladder control. Urinary tract infections are caused by bacteria or viruses entering the urinary tract and causing infection. Kidney and ureteral stones are hard mineral deposits that lodge in the affected area of the urinary tract. Common symptoms are urinary incontinence and an overactive bladder. Urinary incontinence is a total lack of bladder control.

What are the Commonly Associated Procedures?

Among the most common procedures for urology are kidney transplants, vasectomies, which are performed on men, nephrectomies, which remove the diseased parts of a liver, and lithotripsies to treat kidney stones.

What are the Preventative Measures that I can take?

To benefit your urological health, it is important to keep hydrated and maintain a healthy weight. Beverages such as cranberry juice can help prevent urinary tract infections. Quitting smoking can also facilitate urological health.

What are the Common Misconceptions? 

Many people commonly associate urology with general surgery because similar organs are subject to operation in urological procedures, such as the liver and kidneys. Urological procedures on these organs differ from general surgical procedures, because urology corrects the excretion functions of these organs, especially those procedures performed on the urinary tract. Urinary tract function and its associated organs are the main differences between urology and general surgery with regard to specialties.


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Sports Medicine



Sports Medicine refers to the medical specialty that is focused on the injuries and damage caused to various parts of the body caused by injury or trauma from physical activities.

What is it?

Sports Medicine is a medical specialty that is focused on the diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation of injuries that are caused by sports or athletic activity. The damage can be to various areas of the body and may require the assistance of different types of medical professionals, including physical therapists, orthopedic surgeons, non-surgical sports specialists, athletic trainers, and rehabilitation specialists. Sports medicine is aimed at repairs of the muscles, bones, joints, as well as other affected areas that have the potential of being damaged due to sports injuries.

What are the commonly associated medical diseases or symptoms?

Since the specialty of Sports Medicine cannot be pinpointed to one particular area of the body, there are multiple different diseases, symptoms, and injuries that are commonly associated with this specialty. Commonly associated diseases, symptoms, and procedures may include sprains, fractures, concussions, meniscus tears, cartilage and bone damage. In addition, tears of the muscles, ligaments, and tendons are also common.

What are the commonly associated medical procedures?

The procedures to rectify common sports medicine injuries are diverse, but common procedures include ACL reconstructions, cartilage restoration procedures, surgical fracture repairs, Labral repairs, Rotator cuff repair surgery, and tendon repairs. Often, many sports injury repairs are performed with arthroscopic surgery. This surgical technique is minimally invasive and involves the use of a camera that is inserted inside the joints to determine the issues present and rectify them.

What are the preventative measures I can take?

The use of protective equipment during contact sports is a common way to prevent many injuries due to sports. It is also important to pace yourself when performing physical activities and only do as much as you can. Overuse of certain areas of the body without proper rest may cause unwanted wear and tear.

What are the common misconceptions about this specialty?

One of the biggest misconceptions about sports medicine injuries is that they only affect athletes. This is untrue, as sports medicine injuries can affect anyone who has incurred certain injuries through various physical activities. Another popular sports medicine misconception is related to the treatment of sports medicine ailments. Many believe that it is best to heat the affected area immediately after an injury, but it is in fact best to put ice on the affected area after injury. Ice will slow the blood flow to the affected area in order to reduce inflammation.


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Plastic Surgery


Plastic surgery refers to a variety of medical procedures aimed to alter, restore, or improve the appearance of different body parts.

What is it?

Plastic Surgery is performed to improve the physical appearance of certain features of the body. This specialty is not limited to exact regions of the body and can include enhancements of the appearance and function of the skin, musculoskeletal system, craniomaxillofacial structures, extremities, and breasts, among other areas. Two major forms of plastic surgery include reconstructive plastic surgery and aesthetic plastic surgery. Reconstructive plastic surgery is focused on repairing and improving abnormal structures of the body. These abnormalities can be caused by infection, trauma, congenital and birth defects, developmental abnormalities, and disease. Aesthetic surgery is the branch of plastic surgery that is usually comprised of elective surgeries and procedures that aim to enhance the outward appearance of physical features of the body.

What are the subspecialties? 

Common subspecialties of plastic surgery include congenital plastic surgery, breast surgery, skin surgery, trauma surgery, hand and upper limb surgery, and aesthetic surgery.As mentioned before, plastic surgery can be broken down into two main categories, reconstructive and aesthetic plastic surgery.  Within reconstructive plastic surgery, the common subspecialties are craniofacial surgery, reconstructive microsurgery, laser surgery, and hand surgery. Reconstructive craniofacial plastic surgery seeks to correct head deformities. Reconstructive microsurgery aims at correcting smaller abnormalities that may be harder to tackle because they are so small. Common subspecialties of aesthetic plastic surgery have a broad range due to the different procedures and areas that can be focused on, but aesthetic plastic surgeons have the ability to subspecialize on facial areas, breast surgery, skin surgery, and cosmetic implants.

What are the commonly associated medical diseases or symptoms?

Since plastic surgery is such a widespread field, there are multiple symptoms and diseases that may cause one to seek treatment from a plastic surgeon. Large defects, pressure sores, and large wounds may cause one to seek reconstructive plastic surgery.

What are the commonly associated medical procedures? 

Basic techniques of all plastic surgeons, but mainly reconstructive plastic surgeons, include skin grafting, tissue expansion, and flap surgery. Skin grafting uses skin from another bodily surface, known as a donor site, and transferring it to a part of the area where skin is missing. Tissue expansion is a procedure that allows the skin to regrow on its on by stretching the surrounding tissue. Flap surgery involves the transfer of living skin along with a blood vessel to an affected area that is missing skin. The most common reconstructive plastic surgery procedures include laceration repairs, hand surgery, and scar revision. Breast augmentation, nose reshaping, liposuction, eyelid surgery, and facelifts are among the most common aesthetic plastic surgery procedures.

Are there any preventative measures I can take?

Preventative measures include avoidance of smoking and maintaining a healthy diet help lower risks of complications during plastic surgery procedures.

What are the common misconceptions about this specialty?

There is a common misconception that plastic surgery is performed merely to improve physical appearances and enhanced ill-perceived bodily features. However, plastic surgery is more frequently performed to correct damage resulting from deformities, accidents and other injuries. Many believe that plastic surgery received its “plastic” name from the synthetic materials and implants that are commonly associated with the common procedures. The name “plastic” surgery, however, gets its name from the Greek word plastikos, meaning “to form or mold”, as plastic surgeons have the ability to reconstruct and mold certain features of the body.


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Orthopedics is a branch of medicine that diagnoses and treats injuries or diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

What is it?

Orthopedics is a branch of medicine that diagnoses and treats injuries or diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Physicians specializing in orthopedics not only treat and diagnose conditions but also help to prevent new injuries or rehabilitate old ones.  Orthopedic teams can be found in hospitals or in private practice locations.  Some of the most common conditions treated include sports injuries, degenerative diseases, infections, tumors, congenital disorders, and musculoskeletal trauma.

What are the subspecialties? 

There are many subspecialties within orthopedics.  Some of these include the following; hand surgery, shoulder and elbow surgery, foot and ankle surgery, back  and spine surgery, total joint reconstruction, pediatric orthopedics, musculoskeletal oncology, sports medicine, and orthopedic trauma.

What are the commonly associated medical diseases or symptoms?

The most common orthopedic ailments include fractures, joint pains, tennis elbow, arthritis, and osteoporosis.  People who suffer from osteoporosis typically do not realize they have the condition until they break a bone.  osteoporosis causes bones to become weak and brittle.  This can cause simple daily tasks, such as walking or running, to result in a fracture.  Although there is no cure for osteoporosis, there are treatments and lifestyle changes that can assist in strengthening bone.

What are the commonly associated medical procedures?

Orthopedic medicine handles and treats a diverse set of diseases and problems involving bones, joints, and muscles. Frequently performed bone debridement, open reduction and internal fixations, rotator cuff repairs, and ACL reconstructions.  An ACL repair is a common procedure in athletes with sports related injuries.  The ACL, Anterior Cruciate Ligament, is located in the knee.  This ligament helps to keep your tibia in place.  A tear in this ligament will result in instability in the knee as well as pain and swelling.  This injury typically requires surgery and physical therapy  to repair structural damage and to regain strength and mobility.

Are there any preventative measures I can take?

Maintaining a healthy diet is  important for overall health.  Foods enriched with Vitamin D and Calcium are recommended to build strong bones.  Most people do not realize that without proper exercise and diet, muscles begin to deteriorate.  Decreased muscle mass results in more strain  on the bones to support body weight. Additionally, maintaining a healthy weight ensures that the bones and muscles can work together with an equal balance.

What are the common misconceptions about this specialty?

One misconception about bone health is that a broken bone is no big deal, and does not require immediate medical attention.  Broken bones can lead to other health problems if not treated or healed properly.  Some people do not experience other health-related problems with broken bones, but depending on the age of the person and severity of the break, they can be fatal  if left untreated or improperly managed.

Another misconception is that milk depletes calcium levels in bones.  The myth associated with this is that the more milk you consume, the higher a person’s body pH is.  This, in turn, would lead to the excretion of more calcium in the urine.  Some believe that this calcium is coming from the bones. However, this is not true.  The only time in which a person’s body will pull from the bones’ calcium reserve is during severe malnutrition and starvation.  If the body senses that its pH level is too high, it targets the excess calcium from consumed food and excretes that calcium through urine.  The digestive and urinary systems handle the homeostatic relationship between the diet and body’s pH.


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Ophthalmology addresses the structure, function, diagnosis, and treatment of the eyes and vision system.

What is it?

Ophthalmology addresses the structure, function, diagnosis, and treatment of the eyes and vision system. Ophthalmology can be concerned with the health of the eye itself as well as the function and alignment the tissue and muscles surrounding the eye.

What are the subspecialties?

Subspecialties of ophthalmology include neuro-ophthalmology, ophthalmic pathology, ophthalmic plastic and reconstructive surgery, pediatric ophthalmology, and uveitis & ocular immunology.

What are the commonly associated medical diseases or symptoms?

The most commonly associated diseases consist of cataracts, glaucoma, macular degeneration, and eye cancer. Cataracts is the clouding in the lens of the eye which results in blurred vision. Glaucoma is a group of diseases of the optic nerve in the eye and macular degeneration is an incurable eye disease affecting the retina.

What are the commonly associated medical procedures?

Commonly associated medical procedures include Cataract surgery, LASEK surgery, and phacoemulsification of the eye. Cataract surgery is a procedure in which the natural lens is replaced with an artificial lens. LASEK surgery corrects vision problems by changing the shape of the cornea. Emulsification is an assisted breakdown of protein buildup in the eye to help restore clear sight.

Are there preventative measures that I can take?

There are preventative measures that can be taken to reduce the risk for Ophthalmology treatments. These can include tasks such as keeping up with scheduled vision appointments or lifestyle changes such as reducing time in front of computer screens, quitting smoking, eating a balanced diet, and wearing sunglasses more frequently.

What are the common misconceptions about this specialty?

The most common Ophthalmic misconceptions are in regard to cataracts. One common misconception is that close-up tasks, such as reading or concentrating on small objects, can cause cataracts. This is untrue. Small object focus merely enhances the presence of cataracts, it does not cause it. Another common misconception  is that cataracts can be cured by eye drops. This is also untrue because there is not an FDA-Approved eye drop to cure cataracts. There is also common confusion regarding the levels of eye care specialists. An ophthalmologist is certified and trained to perform eye surgery as well as administer routine eye exams and treatments. An optometrist goes through less training than an ophthalmologist and is not a medical doctor. An optometrist is authorized to administer eye exams, diagnose abnormalities, prescribe medications for eye diseases, and administer contact lenses. An optician has less training than an optometrist and is not permitted to diagnose eye conditions. Opticians fit lenses based on prescriptions from optometrists and ophthalmologists.


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Oncology refers to the medical specialty aimed at diagnosing, preventing, and treating cancer.

What is it?

Oncologists treat and prevent cancer using medications (chemotherapy), surgery, or radiation therapy.  Many of these treatments are combined to provide personalized approaches to eradicating aggressive cancers.

What are the subspecialties?

Oncology is the broad practice of diagnosing, preventing and treating forms of cancer.  Within this specialty are many different subspecialties.  A few of these subspecialties are radiation oncology, neuro-oncology, pediatric oncology, surgical oncology, and hematology oncology. Hematology-oncology addresses diseases such as anemia, hemophilia, sickle cell disease, leukemia’s and lymphomas, as well as cancers of other organs.

What are the commonly associated medical diseases or symptoms?

The severity of cancer is ranked on a scale of 1(lowest) to 4(highest) depending on the degree of aggressiveness or spreading. Cancer can affect any part of the body with the most common types of cancer presenting in the breast, prostate, lungs, blood, and pancreas. Pancreatic cancer is difficult to identify because the affected cells in the pancreas do not secrete hormones, making this form of cancer difficult to detect.

What are the commonly associated medical procedures?

Common oncology treatments include surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, targeted therapy, and immunotherapy.  Currently, there is no recognized cure of cancer and treatments are designed as therapies.  These therapies are often combined to work in unison to eliminate cancer from the body.  Chemotherapy is the most common treatment for cancer, but also produces harmful results on non-cancer cells as well.

Are there any preventative measures I can take?

There is no universally recognized cause of cancer, but there is much speculation on behaviors and occurrences that predispose to cancer. Following accepted health recommendations cannot guarantee cancer prevention. However, routine cancer screenings and regular check-ups with a physician can detect cancer early while it is most easily treatable.  Other practices such as avoidance of tobacco, reduced consumption of alcohol, a balanced diet with less red meat, minimal exposure to harmful Ultra Violet light and regular physical activity are useful methods to reduce the risk of cancer.

What are the common misconceptions about this specialty?

One misconception is that deodorant, artificial sweeteners, and cell phones cause cancer.  There is no scientific connection between usage of these items and  cancer.  Cancer has, on the other hand, been linked to genetic mutations in cells or exposure to carcinogens like tobacco, pollution, radiation, and Ultra Violet rays.

Another common misconception is that if someone in a person’s family had cancer, then he or she will also experience cancer. However, only 5-10% of cancer is genetically linked.  If a person is found to have a hereditary associated cancer, there are sometimes options for other family members to be tested for a specific, cancerous gene. Routine check-ups are recommended for people with a known family history of cancer. It is important to recognize that every case is variable and that a combination of lifestyle exposures and behaviors should be considered in addition to family history.


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Obstetrics and Gynecology


Obstetrics is a medical specialty focused on caring for a mother and child during pregnancy, childbirth, and the period after a child is born. Gynecologists are trained to diagnose and treat problems with the female reproductive system.

What is it?

Obstetrics and gynecology, often referred to as OB/GYN, addresses the female reproductive system. Prominent areas of this specialty are infertility issues, contraception, pregnancy, and childbirth. In contemporary medicine, it is rare to have a gynecologist who is not also an obstetrician or visa versa.  Together, these titles encompass the care of the uterus, ovaries, vagina, pregnancy, and childbirth.  Obstetrics and gynecology provide a comprehensive service to women’s health.

What are the subspecialties? 

Subspecialties of obstetrics and gynecology include gynecology oncology, maternal fetal medicine, urogynecology/reconstructive pelvic surgery, and reproductive endocrinology and infertility.  People with fertility issues and hormone imbalances will need the help of a reproductive endocrinologist to try and conceive a child.

What are the commonly associated medical diseases or symptoms? 

Obstetrics and Gynecology deal with many different issues since they are taking care of the woman and potential child.  Some common diseases that could affect a woman’s health are sexually transmitted infections (STI’s), endometriosis, pregnancy, infertility, and ectopic pregnancies.  An ectopic pregnancy is when a fertilized egg implants somewhere other than the uterine cavity.  The embryo typically will implant in one of the fallopian tubes and this is known as a tubal pregnancy. This condition can be fatal to the mother if not treated urgently and will never result in a fetus.

What are the commonly associated medical procedures? 

There are a variety of different procedures a woman may undergo including a hysterectomy, tubal ligation, laparoscopy, oophorectomy, or cesarean section.  A cesarean section, commonly known as a C-Section, is the surgical delivery of a baby.  This can be necessary if complications are detected in the pregnancy or while in labor.

Are there any preventative measures I can take?

After a woman goes through puberty, it is important for her to get yearly check-ups and screenings to help ensure the health of her reproductive organs.  Receiving vaccinations against Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) can prevent most cases of cervical cancers.  Educating women about sexually transmitted infections, contraceptives, and sexual health can help to ensure a healthier lifestyle.  Healthy diets and exercise can also assist contraception practices and hormonal balance.

What are the common misconceptions about this specialty? 

One of the common misconceptions about this specialty is how often a woman should visit their OB/GYN physician.  Although it does depend on a woman’s age and specific condition, a pelvic exam should be performed at least once a year.  Some women believe that the only reason to go is if there is a presenting issue, however visiting an OB/GYN doctor yearly can be beneficial in detecting preventable medical issues.


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