Bassem N. Mora, MD, MBA

GlobeHealer was created by medical professionals who recognized the inconsistencies within the healthcare delivery system and seized the opportunity to redesign the process. The GlobeHealer group of expert physicians assist in matching the right physicians and appropriate environment in providing complex case opinions, and establishing a broad network for physician-to-physician consults. The combination of our Research Division and our panel of expert physicians are then able to provide hospitals with feedback on which areas of patient care they need to improve, as well as clinical programs that can be implemented to achieve improvements in these areas.
The GlobeHealer portal will create a case file specific to your healthcare needs and assign to you a case manager who will work with you, discuss your medical information, and connect you to relevant GlobeHealer experts. This system puts patients at the center of their healthcare decision-making process and provides them with unparalleled access and control over their own medical treatment.
The vision of GlobeHealer is that healthcare will become more transparent for patients and that providers will be able to deliver better care. Providers will to benefit from Globehealer as their quality of services can be highlighted. As providers further enhance their quality and shift toward patient-centric and value-based care, their patients will recognize and appreciate this value. Having high quality providers affiliated with Globehealer will significantly increase their visibility locally and globally.
One of the fundamental goals of GlobeHealer is to provide patients with the information needed to make sound healthcare decisions based on quality of care. We believe that the quality of patient care be a standard that unifies all phases of health care delivery. GlobeHealer’s extensive quality measures provide a highly comprehensive look into quality of care experiences to further educate patients. When patients are confident in the fact that their chosen facilities have been thoroughly examined and checked for high quality, they gain not only confidence, but empowerment in making their healthcare decisions.